Anonymity: The Spiritual Foundation of All Our Traditions (ever reminding us to place principles before personalities).
Is the word really out? Is there actually gossip on Facebook that the Powers that Be "want to get rid of" the Lyons Memorial Labyrinth? Are there "posters" out there trying to find The Gutter Artist? Has The Gutter Artist been outed? Is the 30-year record of remaining anonymous at an end? Join us at:
P.S. Is it any coincidence that it is 30 years to the day that I attended my first A.R.T.S. meeting in New York City and spent the day yesterday (Feb. 22, 2017) on an "Artist's Date" to the Denver Art Museum using my RTD Eco Pass?
"The Trade Is The Thing"
Come to the next Artist Trading Card Swap at the Lyons Regional Library, the third Saturday in March (March 18th), 12:30 p.m. Bring at least 12 ATC's (Artist Trading Cards) to Share and Trade).
The Steamboat Valley Muse Sits at the Confluence, contemplating the year 2011, never foreseeing the consequences of The Great Front Range Flood, September 11, 2013.