Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Making Choices Means Learning How to Procrastinate

On the first or the last Monday of the month, I sit by the confluence of the North and South St. Vrain Rivers and listen to them talk. I write down what I hear. Last month, I heard the words, "Don't get caught in the back eddies." This month, I heard, "Just hold onto the beauty of it all in these troubled times." For my Art-4-Art trading group in November, I made 32 collage pieces using hand=painted, brightly colored torn pieces of wrapping paper pasted onto black card stock. Each collage was just a bit smaller than the usual size of  2 1/2" x 3 1/2". On the back, I put a cartoon balloon with the words, "Just hold onto the beauty of it all." Then I wrapped each collage in a miniature envelope using the same paper that I used for the collages. I cut a slit in the envelope so that the top of the envelope could be inserted into the bottom. Someone at the trading session asked me, "How do you find enough time to do such a project?"

My answer: "Procastination is about slowing down long enough to make the right choices; it is the secret power of discipline."

I am either drawing, thinking about drawing, looking at the work of other artists, wishing I could draw something better, or not drawing anything at all but letting the images come as I am reading a book, going for a walk, going to a movie, or generally slacking off.

I gave away many of my latest works before I scanned them into the computer. Now that is ABSTRACT to the extent of MISSING.