Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Pattern Language of Uncovery: Doodle #1

Today's free-hand doodle is strictly random, no rhyme nor reason.


  1. I like this one very much. especially because it black and white, and i think there's a nice rhytm in it...

  2. Your blogs totally blow me away. I bow to a master. Today (10/29/09), I am posting a post card from a show I was in in 2005 with Sally White King and other members of the Water and Stone Artists Collective. The piece consisted of almost 50 12x12 squares that humg on string, sort of like prayer flags. I called the piece, "Hanging One's Grief Out to Dry." It was from work I did in 2001 right after my father passed away, and I was inconsolable. I have been abstracting designs from these pieces using stencils.
